In the year 2000, as the pathway to South Africa opened with the arrival of pioneering Congolese missionaries who established themselves in Cape Town, the major concentration was located in the southern part of the city known as Southern Suburbs. This stable part, where peace reigned, gave birth to the first churches of the message for expatriates with Muizenberg as the reference neighborhood in the False Bay area, which housed three message churches between 2001 and 2003. This was not due to a high number of congregants, but rather due to doctrinal preferences, which led to the few 40 to 50 believers being divided among different churches that occasionally rivaled each other. Subsequently, a large number of individuals joined different groups, and the churches expanded.
As a side note, it was in 2004, upon returning from a missionary trip to Namibia to the people situated in the refugee camps 300 km from Windhoek, that the apostle of the South took the initiative to explore the northern part of Cape Town, which had not been evangelized and was of no interest to anyone due to perceived danger and the inaccessible middle-class residents of the suburb.
The very first missionary station, Kenos TabernacleTabernacle, was established in the Northern Suburbs in 2004, far from the other existing churches (35 km away). It began with door-to-door evangelism, which marked the public launch and the start of public worship services on June 6, 2004, precisely at the corner of Alexandra Street and Tygerberg Street in the spiritually dry community of Parow. Six people participated in this first public service.
As the story goes of a missionary who visited a dry land, planted a flower, and prayed, it is said that the land later became a hub for exporting beautiful flowers and thrived. This story repeated itself in the community of Parow because, since the establishment of the Kenos TabernacleTabernacle, a great door opened for all, even denominations found opportunities to establish themselves in the area.
Similar to when David defeated Goliath and all of Israel took courage and launched an assault on the Philistines, fear left many individuals, and they joined the area to settle. To this day, the community of Parow is filled with over 50 expatriate churches, both denominational and message-based. The Northern Suburbs now host a large number of churches from the city, while the community of Muizenberg, where pioneers once.
flocked, has no active church left and has spiritually dried up, although it remains physically prestigious. The new center of radiant blessings has become the Parow neighborhood, where God has also rewarded the Kenos TabernacleTabernacle with its own place and is the very first expatriate church to build its own temple, remaining unaffiliated with existing trends in Congo or elsewhere. It is highly independent in its programs and schedule, and furthermore, it was unanimously dedicated by locals and expatriates in 2017.
Kenos Tabernacleis part of the history of beginnings, firstborns, pioneers, and scouts, thanks to the faith, courage, and visionary spirit to do new things instead of imitating what has already been done, to preach new things instead of repeating what others say, to take new paths instead of easily following the previously paved ones, and finally, to write its own story without clinging to the stories of others.
Our slogan remains, "a small people with a great God," symbolizing humility and modesty while quietly carrying out work, similar to the sun that illuminates the earth without making any noise.
Throughout his ministry, Branham taught a doctrine of faith healing that was often his central teaching during the healing campaign. He believed healing was the main focus of the ministry of Jesus Christ and believed in a dual atonement; "salvation for the soul and healing for the body".
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